

Read packet capture data (pcap) stream from stdin, apply a function and write to stdout. Example (capture from INTERFACE and display in Wireshark): tcpdump -i INTERFACE -s0 -w - | pcapfilter -m | wireshark -k -i -

pcapfilter [OPTIONS]


-m, --module <module>

A python module name that contains a packet_filter(packet). You can create one with -w

-s, --silent <silent>

Hide log messages from STDERR)

-o, --oldpcap

Use old pcap for input

-r, --reload

Reloads the module upon changes

-w, --create-template <create_template>

Creates an example file

-d, --docker-help

Shows help when running from docker

The basic usage is:

INPUT | pcapfilter [options] | OUTPUT

Where INPUT is a package capture provider, such as tcpdump and OUTPUT is some program able to conusme pcap from stdin.

For example, capturing packets from interface en0 (INPUT) and showing the results in wireshark (OUTPUT):

tcpdump -i en0  -s0 -w - | pcapfilter -vm | wireshark -k -i -

You can use ssh packet capture from your router and display it in Wireshark

ssh router "tcpdump -i eth1.2 -i br-lan -s0 -w - " | pcapfilter -vm | wireshark -k -i -

As a docker image

You need to provide a volume where your filter file is defined:

INPUT | docker run --rm -i -v $(pwd):/shared pcapfilter pcapfilter -vm /shared/ | OUTPUT

Defining a filter

A filter is a python module (or file ending in .py) that has a function called packet_filter. This funcion receives an argument named pkg If None is returned, then the package is discarded.

If the packet is returned (modified or not) it will be sent to the OUTPUT.